移民申请的最后一步是登陆,英文叫Landing. 大致的流程是申请人拿着护照,登陆纸等资料从边境进入加拿大,经过边境服务署工作人员核对,并简单回答几个问题后,就可以回家等枫叶卡了。
对于很多已经在加拿大生活的申请人,例如在这里留学工作,然后移民申请被批准,这些申请人也得先离境,然后重新入境。一般都是开车去加美边境,出加拿大海关,进入美国海关,告诉对方我需要landing,美国海关做一些检查,然后指引你掉头回加拿大海关,这个过程英文叫flagpole. 比如哈法的申请人就可以去New Brunswick和缅因州边境登陆, Woodstock或者Saint Stephen,开车都是5个小时。
Dear applicant,
You have been selected for the opportunity to complete your permanent resident (PR) application via telephone.
Your telephone landing is scheduled for xxxxx date. If this is acceptable to you please respond to this email to confirm your availability within 48 hours. If you choose not to complete a telephone landing, please schedule your in person landing via the call centre – 1-888-242-2100 .
Complete the information in the box below.
Confirmation of Permanent Residence in your possession?
Yes OR No
English OR French:
**During your landing timeslot, please ensure you have a quiet space, your Confirmation of Permanent Resident (CoPR) document, and a black pen.
**If there is more than one person landing in your family and they are physically located in Canada please ensure they are present for the telephone landing.
** Permanent residents (PR) of Canada must carry and present their valid PR card or permanent resident travel document (PRTD) when boarding a flight to Canada, or travelling to Canada on any other commercial carrier. If you do not carry your PR card or PRTD, you may not be able to board your flight, train, bus or boat to Canada. Please note Permanent Resident Card processing time is currently 61 days from the date the signed CoPR is received by IRCC. Please ensure the timeframe set out above will not disrupt any upcoming travel plans.
If you receive this invitation but have already scheduled your landing with IRCC, please disregard this email. Please note if you are currently outside of Canada, this option for landing is not available.
Thank you for your interest in Canada.
从邮件内容看,应该是移民局新开通的登陆方式,并且挑选了一些申请人做测试。如果接受电话登陆,申请人只用在电话里回答问题,如是否有犯罪记录,是否被拒绝入境等,然后将登陆纸寄到移民局办公室,等他们签好以后会邮寄回申请人,完成移民身份确认环节。这个新流程对于边远地区的申请人挺方便,再也不用亲自跑来跑去。我们建议收到邀请的客户尝试下这个新方式,这种pilot program往往受重视,会比较快。